We are on the brink of mass refusal

The Israeli government has broken the ceasefire and resumed its brutal bombing campaign in Gaza. Bombs are falling again, more lives are being lost, and the forever war is marching on. But this genocide is not inevitable. The government’s decision to dive back into its cruel campaign comes in direct opposition to wishes of the hostage families, who are furious. The streets are flooding with protesters calling for a stop to the war and a return to the ceasefire. The police are violently attacking anyone opposing the war. “Refuse!” – generally a taboo call in Israeli society – is quickly making its way into everyday speech. Reservists being called up right now are facing a contradictory moment: the choice is between the lives of the Israeli hostages and the Palestinians of Gaza on one hand, and endless war with no end on the other. Stories of reservists refusing to resume their service – including those serving in the air force and intelligence – are being widely reported in the Israeli media. Now more than ever, the time is ripe for more people to join the refuser movement, and we need your support to organize every reservist sitting on the fence into a coherent front: stop the genocide now!

We are on the brink of mass refusal. Our organizers on the ground are working to bring in more potential refusers to our movement, and we are counting on our supporters across the world to continue funding this work and even expand it. We need to seize the moment now, and fast, in order to put a stop to the killing of hundreds of Palestinians daily. More soldiers are questioning, resisting, and refusing to take part in war crimes. But they cannot do this alone.

Your donations make our work possible. Your support will help us to maximise the potential of this turning point and end the genocide. We cannot stress this enough. Our field organizing is a direct result of your backing. Right now, we need our organizers in the streets and on the phone, talking to protesters and reservists who are disillusioned with the government’s decision to break the ceasefire and sacrifice the hostages while murdering dozens of children in their sleep everyday. Join our efforts by donating today. Encourage your friends to match your support if possible.

 The Israeli government has made its choice. Now we must make ours. Stand with those resisting from within. Stand against genocide. Stand for a real future, not more war.