Refuse the war – join RSN at our upcoming webinar

Atalya here. I am an activist, and I spent 110 days in jail after refusing to serve in the Israeli military in 2017. In just one week, we at Refuser Solidarity Network are hosting a crucial webinar alongside our friends at Veterans for Peace and World Beyond War. Together, we’ll discuss the Israeli refuser movement, the role of U.S. militarism, and how we can build a truly international coalition against the war economy fueling Israel’s assault on Gaza

Join us on Sunday, March 16th at 12:00PM ET by signing up here and let your communities know about this important event.

If we want to put a stop to the Israeli military-industrial complex, we need a global movement that is not just in solidarity with Palestinians, but internationalist in strategy. Western tax dollars fund Israel’s genocide, just as Israeli and Western arms dealers make record profits. The war economy knows no borders—neither can our resistance. Join us on Sunday, March 16th at 12:00 PM ET by signing up here, and help spread the word. Now is the time to build cross-border resistance to war and occupation. Only together will we triumph.

In solidarity,

Atalya Ben-Abba

Media Coordinator

Refuser Solidarity Network