After 56 days in Military Prison - Hallel Rabin was finally released last Sunday!
I'm so happy to write to you as a free person. I was first imprisoned on September after refusing to draft to the Israeli military for reasons of conscience. I didn't want to be a soldier for occupation and war, and the reality in occupied Palestine only strengthened my decision. On the day of my enlistment I arrived at the conscription base knowing that I was going to jail. But it still was the longest, most exhausting day of my life.
I was ready to remain in prison until my arguments and belief were to be officially recognized by the state. Many thought it was a hopeless battle, but thanks to your international solidarity and to the activists of Mesarvot in Israel we've won it together. I received my exemption form military service as a pacifist. This was my non-violent way to resist the abundance of violence in our reality. Refusing to serve in the army is my small act of making change - of not giving up on my values and hope, and of breaking the cycle of participation in fear, hatred and violence. Together, we proved this small step can also become significant.
I chose to make my refusal public in hope and intention that my act will inspire others to do good, and give strength and solidarity to those who need it. I wanted other teenagers in Israel to know this option is possible. Unfortunately, many in Israel don't want to hear different voices. Going public also meant I was accused of treason, and became the target of backlash and hate speech. But thanks to everyone around the world who showed solidarity towards me I kept my spirits high while in jail. I hope you keep supporting the movement of young Israelis which oppose militarism, occupation and war. Just click here to remain informed and updated, if you haven't already subscribed to our newsletter, click here:
While I was released from prison, Israel's policy towards refusers and activists against the occupation haven't changed. Every refuser and conscientious objectors in danger of prolonged and arbitrary military detention. Even as of this moment, an Israeli girl refuser is imprisoned by the military. I met her while we were both in jail, but she wishes to remain anonymous as of now. I hope you can consider to support our movement and pitch in a few dollars a month here. Such recurring donations, even $3, $10 or $15 a month, really help us to develop our movement against the occupation and support the jailed refusers of the future.
Solidarity Forever,
Hallel Rabin, Free Refuser
Hallel Rabin - Message from Military Jail
Hello again, this is Hallel Rabin
I'm writing you this message from inside the military prison – Last week I was tried again by the Israeli military for refusing to draft and serve occupation and war. I was sentenced for another 10 days in jail - my fourth incarceration term! My appeal for the military conscience committee was heard on Wednesday, and I hope to receive my exemption afterwards. But if that won’t happen, I’m willing to stay in jail for as long as it takes until justice is done.
I'm held at Military Jail No. 6 with other female inmates. My connection to the outside world is through phone calls with my parents and meetings with my lawyer. I was moved and excited by the enormous wave of international solidarity I received - If I could, I would thank each one of you personally. But the Israeli military forbids any direct contact with media, diplomats or other supporters, trying to isolate me. They even won't allow any picture of me with prison uniform to be shared. But I know that as long as you, and many more, share my message, I'm never truly alone.
Hallel Rabin, Refuser in Jail
The above message was delivered through Hallel's lawyer. Before her imprisonment, with our help, Hallel was able to record a video explaining the reasons behind her refusal. Please watch and share her message of peace, and if you want to help us produce even more content click here to support our movement.
Watch: Hallel Rabin Speaks before Imprisonment!
While Hallel is held in prison, our movement of refusers is gaining strength and support. We keep participating at the anti-Netanyahu protest in Jerusalem with the unique message against the occupation of Palestine and militarization of Israeli society. Thanks to your donation and support, we were able to organize two support demonstration for Hallel next to military bases.
First, we accompanied Hallel to the enlistment office base before her imprisonment. We came with banners and slogans to show the army officials that we support her courageous act. Then, on her first Saturday (or Sabbath in Hebrew) in prison, we gathered next to the remote prison camp she's held at! We shouted and chanted support messages that were heard from inside the jail itself! The military prison's administration were so afraid of this protest they dubbed it "a security threat" and threatened to move Hallel to a different compound for no apparent reason. But we didn't back down, and through media and legal pressure we were able to hold our ground and protest her incarceration yards away from the prison itself.
We ask you to support Hallel in prison, by contributing to Mesarvot, the Israeli network which supports her and other refusers. Please consider making your donation monthly recurring to help us prepare for long lasting campaigns and imprisonment terms
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Hallel Rabin - Imprisoned in Military Jail
Hello, my name is Hallel Rabin. I'm an 18 years old refuser from an Israeli kibbutz and on Monday I was sent to prison by the Israeli military. Just before Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Years, I refused to join the Israeli army and was held in military prison over the holiday.
I've already been jailed for 14 days, and on Monday I was tried for another 25 days because I don't want to become a soldier for the occupation of Palestine. I tried to ask for exemption on the grounds of conscience, but the military refused to grant it. Instead, I’ve been sent to prison time after time in order to break my spirit. This is my for the third incarnation period in the course of a month.
To support Hallel during her time in prison:
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We are living in a period of both change and struggle. Everywhere in the world, young people are fighting for real democracy, and are using civil disobedience to combat racism and injustice. But for Palestinians the injustices of the past continue to prevail. In the territories occupied by Israel, basic human rights and liberties are constantly denied, while the Palestinian are deprived of the freedom to live freely.
I was raised on the values of freedom, compassion and love. Fighting to keep another nation enslaved contradicts these values. For too long, the good people of Israel have agreed to participate in the atrocities committed by the occupation. While I know my refusal is small and personal, I wish to be the change I want to see in the world, and to show that another way is possible. Little people make big changes. It is time to shout: There is no such thing as good repression, no such thing as justifiable racism and no more room for the Israeli occupation.
Hallel is receiving ongoing media, personal, and legal support from Mesarvot, so she can make her voice heard and share her message loudly. Many young Israelis have shared their support and encouragement for her act on social media, but many others oppose and attack her for "speaking against the military". Her action has stirred a debate over the role of Israeli youth in the struggle for democracy and peace. It is a difficult public battle - as no one knows how long the Israeli military will continue to imprison Hallel.
We ask you to support Hallel in prison, by contributing to Mesarvot, the Israeli network which supports her and other refusers, and by subscribing to our updates about her and others young refusers from Israeli society
To support Hallel during her time in prison:
To subscribe to receive updates about Hallel from prison:
Thank you for your solidarity,
Hallel Rabin, Refuser in military prison
Imagine 1 Year in Military Jail - Holidays Message from Refusers
Hello, my name is Dor, I’m a student from Jerusalem. For the past two years I’ve been active in Mesarvot, the Israeli network supporting those who refuse to be soldiers of the occupation. We’ve helped many boys and girls, Israeli teenagers who refused to join the Israeli military, refused to become a part of war and bloodshed and take part in the oppression of the Palestinian people. Now, as we celebrate the Jewish Holidays and prepare for another year of struggle, I ask you to help our group.
During these high holidays, Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashana, the Jewish day of atonement and new years, when we believe heaven’s gates open to receive our prayers, I ask you to think of the Israeli refusers. Look into their eyes: Young teenagers who against all odds decide to fight back, non-violently, and shout: Not in my name, not with my body. I will not become your soldier.
In the past two years, six refusers decided to make their refusal public and faced severe consequences - as public refusal provokes the military and the politicians. They fear any breaking of the status-quo regarding enlistment for the military in Israel and opposition to the occupation, so they turn to the use of force. The six refusers were jailed for a total of 350 days, that’s almost one year!
Six young refusers, from different origins and backgrounds, against the entire militaristic establishment of the Israeli society. Females and males, Jewish and Arab, they stood together, in solidarity with the Palestinian people. But without solidarity from us, their action and sacrifice would be in vain.
A new generation of refusers is rising right now. Teenagers who participate in the mass demonstrations in Jerusalem, who fought against the annexation plan and raise “Palestinian Lives Matter” banners in Tel Aviv. In recent weeks Mesarvot’s lawyers helped several teenagers who are engaged in legal battles with the Israeli Military and oppose their draft. More will follow soon.
If you believe our struggle is righteous, we humbly ask you to support our efforts - you can pitch in a few dollars a month here. Such recurring donations, even $5, $10 or $15 a month, really help us to develop our movement, and plan long lasting campaigns to support the jailed refusers of tomorrow.
To donate just click here:
You can also help by sharing our updates with 2 new friends (or more), and make sure they subscribe to receive our updates using this link :
In solidarity,
Dor Heimberg
How we Defeated Netanyahu, Trump and their “Annexation Plan"
Everyone is talking about Israel's "new peace", and the white house is taking credit for delaying the "annexation" of Palestinian land. On the ground in the West bank It feels almost like an illusion: the daily annexation, occupation and military violence never stopped.
My name is Eden, and in 2014 I publicly refused to join the Israeli army. I'm now a part of a new Israeli youth group, who fought on the streets in the last month against Netanyahu's and Trump's deal. If you want to know what really happened, behind the scenes and away from media summits - continue to read this newsletter. And if you want to help your friends and family learn the truth behind Netanyahu and Trump’s agenda, invite them to sign up for our future updates via this link.
It all started after Netanyahu and Trump announced their illegal Annexation Plan. We initiated “Teen against the Annexation”, a petition which collected more than 400 signatures of young activists from all over Israel. The statement was widely shared on social media, discussed by youth online and reported in the Israeli press. We swarmed social media with stories about the occupation to educate Israeli teens about the atrocities their government send soldiers to commit and to mobilize them against the annexation and in resistance to militarism.
On the 6th of June, to commemorate the 53rd year of the occupation, we joined others in Mesarvot network (which supports those who refuse to be soldiers of the occupation) and participated in a joint Jewish-Arab mass demonstration in Tel Aviv. More than 10,000 people joined, holding “Palestinians Lives Matter” signs and calling for just peace. It was the biggest demonstration against the Israeli occupation in the last decade (!), and we are proud that Mesarvot members took an active role in organizing it and in promoting it to teens and youth.
In the following weeks we organized a direct protest in front of the house of the Minister of Defense, and Netanyahu’s vital coalition partner, Benny Gantz. Under the radar, Gantz ordered a special enlistment of reserve army troops, as Israel was preparing for resistance in the annexed territories. The ongoing pressure led Netanyahu to back down from his promise for the settlers and revoke his policy of an immediate annexation in July. Washington and Dubai are stealing the credit of the achievement of left wing activists, as the Israeli halted all preparations for the annexation of Palestine!
Please help us by forwarding our updates to others and inviting them to sign up via this link
Now, we directed our efforts toward the ongoing mass demonstrations in Jerusalem. For the past month, a permanent protest zone occupies the area around Prime Minister Netanyahu’s official residence. Thousands of Israelis are coming weekly to protest the political corruption, police violence and destruction of democratic norms by the government.
We chose to join these protests as part of a progressive block with a unique message: End the occupation and liberate the Palestinians people. We hold banners calling for democracy for all and murals of Iyad al Hallak who was murdered by Israeli police. We face police violence and many of us were unlawfully arrested in every demonstration, while others were assaulted by organized groups of pro-government hooligans. Our message is that true freedom cannot coexist with military oppression, and that each one of us has a personal obligation to depart from evil and do good.
We need your help!
Please share our updates – With groups and network you are part of, friends and family – and ask them to subscribe to our updates via this link:
We want to double the number of people who receive our updates and we can’t do it without you!
In solidarity,
Eden Lumerman
p.s. - You can support our group by donating here, without your donations we won’t be able to continue our work.
Finally Released - After 74 Days in Israeli Prison
My name is Yasmin Ricci-Yahav, I am 18 years old teenager from Israel. In August 2019 I publicly refused to join the Israeli army, refused to serve the Israeli occupation.
I took this picture outside the Israeli military induction base, just before I was imprisoned.
Being a conscientious objector was hard - I was locked up in jail for 74 days, labelled as a traitor by mainstream media, and had friends and relatives shun me away. But it was also empowering: I had the opportunity to fight for justice and peace. I received an enormous wave of international solidarity that lifted my spirit in prison, and eventually helped lead to my release from prison.
If you want to help future solidarity campaigns for jailed refusers click here.
My imprisonment may have ended but our struggle continues. I decided to spend the next year volunteering in Hadasa hospital in Jerusalem. I have also joined “Mesarvot”, an activist group that supports young Israeli teens who refuse to serve the occupation and help them prepare for possible imprisonment. These days Mesarvot activist are taking an leading role in the struggle against Trump's and Netanyahu's annexation plan, about which you will hear in the next update.
Israel has not stopped drafting teenagers during the COVID 19 lockdown and Mesarvot has continued to educate high school students on the horrors of occupation, as we launched a series of video meetings during the lockdown. At the same time, we helped to raise more than $30,000 to support the health system in Gaza in an online donation campaign we participated in.
I am happy to announce the launch of a new monthly English newsletter - written by us, Israeli refusers and activists fighting against the occupation. It’s a new joint project by Mesarvot and Refuser Solidarity Network, supported by a new international solidarity team. The newsletter you are reading is the first, and we will be sending regular updates about the Israeli refusal movement from now on. To recieve these updates regulary just fill your email in this link.
If you wish to support our movement, and our future campaigns for Gaza and against the annexation, you can pitch in a few dollars a month here. Such recurring donations, even $3, $10 or $15 a month, really help us to develop our movement against the occupation.
Your solidarity, wherever you are at the world, is vital and with it we will one day end the occupation and create the safe and peaceful society for both Palestinians and Israelis.
In solidarity,
Yasmin Ricci-Yahav
Yasmin Ricci-Yahav
Conscientious objector Yasmin Ricci-Yahav arrived last Monday at Israeli Army’s Tel Hashomer induction center and announced for the third time her refusal to enlist. Upon her imprisonment, she said:
"I am 18 years old, and today I will declare my refusal to enlist in the Israeli army for the third time. To date I have spent 30 days in military prison, and I expect to be sentenced for a third prison term. I continue to refuse to enlist in protest of the Israeli army role in the occupation and with the hope that my choice will contribute to a more open and honest conversation surrounding alternatives regarding Israel’s future."
Hilel Garmi
My name is Hilel Garmi. I am 19 years old and since August I am in and out of the Israeli army prison, as a refuser to military draft.
Read moreNoam Yaron
I, Noam Yaron, an Israeli social worker, 31, served as a combat soldier and commander in the field intelligence corps in the occupied territories (Gaza and West Bank). I decided my true way of serving this place would be to refuse in accordance with my conscience. Thus, when I received an army call-up, I reported to my unit but refused to serve in the occupied Palestinian territories. I was threatened with a court-martial and imprisonment but was eventually discharged.
Read moreTair Kaminer
RSN is proud to support Tair Kaminer, age 19, who is now serving her fourth term in military prison for refusing service in the Israeli army. This is the statement Tair wrote before entering prison in January of 2016. Please send letters of support for her to
Read moreAiden Katri
My name is Aiden Katri. I am a 19 year old trans woman, orignally from the city of Holon. I come from a conservative home and my education was a right wing one. So, I grew up on the ethos of "the chosen people." As the years went by, I realized that we, the Jews, took ownership of the state out of a perception that we deserve it due to our separatism. I am no longer part of this brain washing. Today, I believe that people are equal regardless of religion, race, sex, and gender.
Read more