Hello, my name is Dor, I’m a student from Jerusalem. For the past two years I’ve been active in Mesarvot, the Israeli network supporting those who refuse to be soldiers of the occupation. We’ve helped many boys and girls, Israeli teenagers who refused to join the Israeli military, refused to become a part of war and bloodshed and take part in the oppression of the Palestinian people. Now, as we celebrate the Jewish Holidays and prepare for another year of struggle, I ask you to help our group.
During these high holidays, Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashana, the Jewish day of atonement and new years, when we believe heaven’s gates open to receive our prayers, I ask you to think of the Israeli refusers. Look into their eyes: Young teenagers who against all odds decide to fight back, non-violently, and shout: Not in my name, not with my body. I will not become your soldier.
In the past two years, six refusers decided to make their refusal public and faced severe consequences - as public refusal provokes the military and the politicians. They fear any breaking of the status-quo regarding enlistment for the military in Israel and opposition to the occupation, so they turn to the use of force. The six refusers were jailed for a total of 350 days, that’s almost one year!
Six young refusers, from different origins and backgrounds, against the entire militaristic establishment of the Israeli society. Females and males, Jewish and Arab, they stood together, in solidarity with the Palestinian people. But without solidarity from us, their action and sacrifice would be in vain.
A new generation of refusers is rising right now. Teenagers who participate in the mass demonstrations in Jerusalem, who fought against the annexation plan and raise “Palestinian Lives Matter” banners in Tel Aviv. In recent weeks Mesarvot’s lawyers helped several teenagers who are engaged in legal battles with the Israeli Military and oppose their draft. More will follow soon.
If you believe our struggle is righteous, we humbly ask you to support our efforts - you can pitch in a few dollars a month here. Such recurring donations, even $5, $10 or $15 a month, really help us to develop our movement, and plan long lasting campaigns to support the jailed refusers of tomorrow.
To donate just click here: https://bit.ly/refusers-solidarity
You can also help by sharing our updates with 2 new friends (or more), and make sure they subscribe to receive our updates using this link :
In solidarity,
Dor Heimberg