Einat here. You might remember me from the previous letter I wrote you. I’m a 19 y/o occupation objector. Growing up in Israel, I was expected to enlist in the Israeli military at the age of 18. I refused to fuel the occupation over the Palestinian territories and as consequence I am continuously imprisoned by the military. I am currently serving a fourth prison sentence and have to date spent 63 days in jail.
Einat Gerlitz
It's time all young Israelis take responsibility for the society we live in. We have the opportunity to use our privilege as Israeli jews and stand in solidarity with Palestinians. That is why I decided to refuse military conscription. I refuse to be a part of the violent system that arrests Palestinian children, enables settlers violence towards Palestinians and denies an entire people basic human rights and freedom.
Fortunately for me, I am a part of a community of youth occupation objectors, supported by Refuser Solidarity Network and Mesarvot. We all support each other during our ongoing jail sentences. We don’t care how long we will be imprisoned as long as we take a clear and peaceful stand against the occupation. But we need your help.
We are doing what we can within Israel, but it is clear we need global public pressure in order to reach the Israeli government. This is where you come in. We need your help in sustaining and expanding our work and to get our messages through to as many people as possible.
We need to reach $20,000 in order to continue collecting and publishing refuser testimonies throughout 2023. We cannot allow the world to think that all Israelis support the atrocities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. By donating, even a small amount, you will be helping to amplify a clear voice within Israel of Israelis standing in solidarity with Palestinians and promoting peace. Make a donation today and to keep our movement alive.
In solidarity,