Building a New Refuser Movement

Mattan here. A powerful anti-war movement is measured in the range of voices that carry its message. And Israeli refusers are uniquely positioned to level a critique from within: another way is not only possible, but necessary, both to bring the hostages home tomorrow and think through a viable future beyond. That is the very clear message war refusers (conscientious objectors) like Yuval Green, who recounted his experiences in Gaza in our last newsletter, have put forward. Since Yuval and dozens of others signed a public letter declaring their intent to refuse military service, they have been interviewed by several Israeli newspapers and even appeared on live television, their message reaching living rooms across the country and changing the reality.

Since then, Yuval and others have also found their way to newsrooms and papers across the world, calling for an end to the genocide in Gaza and the return of the hostages on CNN and ABC News. Palestinians have long said what is becoming clear to Israelis themselves: Israelis have nothing to gain from ever-increasing militarism, endless war and regional escalation. Israeli refusers are now bolstering this message internationally, single-handedly disarming critics who charge the anti-war movement with claims of antisemitism and a disregard for Israeli life. Quite the opposite, Yuval and others’ refusal to serve is driven by the sanctity of both Palestinian and Israeli lives, and the realization that one cannot sustainably come at the expense of the other. Ahead of a fast-approaching ceasefire negotiation summit that Israel will attend, Yuval spoke to a CNN anchor on live TV.

“I know that right now, when deals are refused by Israel, we have to tell our government to stop the war, this is the only right solution to save the lives of Palestinians that are dying everyday and going through a living hell in the past few months, saving the lives of Israeli soldiers that are now present in Gaza and dying everyday, and obviously the lives of hostages … It’s a matter of life and death.”

The new refusers are building a movement to end the war on Gaza. As an Israeli organization, their focus is on Israelis. They tell them the bitter truth: this war will kill the remaining hostages, lead to more suffering and death, and destroy the chance for a better future. This is a message that can resonate with a wider audience in Israel and increase the number of refusers. Soldiers are essential to sustaining Israeli government policies. Without them, there can be no war and no occupation. That’s why the movement they are building has the potential to transform the horrors of the war into a future of peace and justice for Israelis and Palestinians.

As they build their movement, the new refusers require support. That’s where we at Refuser Solidarity Network (RSN) come in. We were founded during the Second Intifada to support a similar refuser organization and have been backing refusers ever since. Based on more than twenty years of experience, we’re providing the new group with everything they need to be as effective as possible. As well as providing direct financial assistance, we help with other immediate needs like media outreach and legal aid. We work with them to build their capacity to grow the movement and to devise strategies for long term resilience. 

We need you with us. Please donate, if you can, so that we can be there for the refusers at this critical juncture. Together we can help build a vibrant movement and bring a better future for all.